GoodGame Empire Wiki


Skills tree HoL

These are the skills that can be unlocked in the Hall of Legends. The skills tree uses a point system, where a player must allocate a certain amount of points to unlock/upgrade a skill. Each level of the skill is called a "stage." You can have a maximum 550 points out of total 1950 points from all skills.

Skills are placed in a tier-like table. Every tier you must allocate minimum points to unlock next tier. Some skills are unlocked after you allocate specific points. To unlock master skills you need at least 390 points allocated, either attack or defense. Most of the skills are apply against castle lords with a legendary levels. Some of this skills are only affect for NPC targets, buildings, etc. You can reset your points if you make a mistake for applying a point which is unwanted skills or useless skills. Cooldown of every reset is 2 weeks, and can be skipped by paying rubies.

The building and unit skills is an expanded feature when you reaching level 30 and above. It is recommended to unlock all building skill first especially for the keep level 6 and 7, because most of these buildings required sceats or imperial ducats to unlock, then following construction token, upgrade token, plaster, and dragon scale tile to construct and upgrading these buildings. Some ruby buildings like Ruby castle moat and military hospital needs to be unlocked by paying sceats, but you don't need to upgrade it, in order to unlock next tier.

These buildings that required to build when researching skills are :


Legendary Skills - Attack[]

Image Skill Name Effects Cost Total Maximum points Maximum stats when it maxed
Tier 1
Legend skill 1 Gate Smasher -3% enemy gate protection 3 10 30 -30% enemy gate protection
Legend skill 2 Five-finger discount +5% resource plundered when looting against NPC targets 1 10 10 +50% resource plundered when looting against NPC targets
Legend skill 3 Honor and duty +5% honor points in battle 2 10 20 +50% honor points in battle
Legend skill 4 Iron fist +0.5% melee unit strength when attacking 4 10 40 +5% melee unit strength when attacking
Tier 2 (Requires 40 points allocated from Tier 1 to enter)
Legend skill 5 Prying eyes +1 more spies 15 3 45 +3 more spies
Legend skill 6 Impatient -2% attack cooldown after victory 3 10 30 -20% attack cooldown after victory
Legend skill 7 Deadeye +0.5% ranged unit strength when attacking 8 10 80 +5% ranged unit strength when attacking
Legend skill 8 Penny-pincher -18% travel costs 3 5 15 -90% travel costs
Legend skill 9 Annihilator +1% chance for destroying enemy buildings 5 6 30 +6% chance for destroying enemy buildings
Master Skill (Requires 80 points allocated from Tier 2 to acquire this skill)
Legend skill 10 Relentless +1 additional wave(s). - - - +1 additional wave(s).
Tier 3 (Requires 80 points allocated from Tier 2 to enter)
Legend skill 11 Ruthless +5% unit limit on the front of the castle wall 3 5 15 +25% unit limit on the front of the castle wall
Legend skill 12 Ferocious +5% fire damage inflicted when attacking 3 5 15 +25% fire damage inflicted when attacking
Legend skill 13 Rich in experience +4% XP earned after an attack 1 5 5 +20% XP earned after an attack
Legend skill 14 Heart of steel +1% melee unit strength when attacking 10 8 80 +8% melee unit strength when attacking
Legend skill 15 Wall stormer -3% enemy wall protection 5 10 50 -30% enemy wall protection
Tier 4 (Requires 90 points allocated from Tier 3 to enter)
Legend skill 16 Resolute +1% combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards 6 10 60 +10% combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards
Legend skill 17 Fleet of foot +10% army travel speed 5 8 40 +80% army travel speed
Legend skill 18 Glorious +10% glory points earned when attacking 7 5 35 +50% glory points earned when attacking
Legend skill 19 No place like home +10% army return travel speed 2 10 20 +100% army return travel speed
Legend skill 20 Sword brother +3% flank unit limit when attacking 7 10 70 +30% flank unit limit when attacking
Tier 5 (Requires 90 points allocated from Tier 4 to enter)
Legend skill 21 Insatiable +500 army loot capacity 3 5 15 +2500 army loot capacity
Legend skill 22 Always prepared +2 tool limit on the flanks 12 5 60 +10 tool limit on the flanks
Legend skill 23 Sharpshooter +2% ranged unit strength when attacking 15 4 60 +8% ranged unit strength when attacking
Legend skill 24 Battle-thirsty +1 additional wave(s). 60 1 60 +1 additional wave(s).
Legend skill 25 Walking on water -5% enemy moat protection 5 6 30 -30% enemy moat protection
Master Skill (Requires 90 points allocated from Tier 5 to acquire this skill)
Legend skill 26 Hard-hitting +12% combat strength to all units in attacks - - - +12% combat strength to all units in attacks

Legendary Skills - Defense[]

Image Skill Name Effects Cost Total Maximum points Maximum stats when it maxed
Tier 1
Legend skill 27 Gatekeeper +3% gate protection 3 10 30 +30% gate protection
Legend skill 28 Safekeeper -2% resource lost after being looted 2 10 20 -20% resource lost after being looted
Legend skill 29 Contractor +5% XP earned after constructing/upgrading buildings 1 10 10 +50% XP earned after constructing/upgrading buildings
Legend skill 30 Steadfast +0.5% combat strength for melee units 4 10 40 +5% combat strength for melee units
Tier 2 (Requires 40 points allocated from Tier 1 to enter)
Legend skill 31 Night watch +4% city guards 4 10 40 +40% city guards
Legend skill 32 Experienced +3% XP earned after defending 1 10 30 +30% XP earned after defending
Legend skill 33 Eagle eye +0.5% combat strength for ranged units 8 10 80 +5% combat strength for ranged units
Legend skill 34 Supreme commander +8% army travel speed during capture attacks 3 10 30 +80% army travel speed during capture attacks
Legend skill 35 Charisma +10% armed citizen/militia 4 10 40 +50% armed citizen/militia
Master Skill (Requires 80 points allocated from Tier 2 to acquire this skill)
Legend skill 36 Nerves of steel +10% unit limit on the castle walls - - - +10% unit limit on the castle walls
Tier 3 (Requires 80 points allocated from Tier 2 to enter)
Legend skill 37 Shoulder to shoulder +0.5% unit limit on the castle wall 7 10 70 +5% unit limit on the castle wall
Legend skill 38 Firefighter -5% fire damage suffered when defending 2 5 10 -25% fire damage suffered when defending
Legend skill 39 Fearless +4% XP earned after an attack against NPC targets 3 5 15 +20% XP earned after an attack against NPC targets
Legend skill 40 Remorseless +1% combat strength for melee units 10 8 80 +8% combat strength for melee units
Legend skill 41 Shield wall +6% wall protection 10 5 50 +30% wall protection
Tier 4 (Requires 90 points allocated from Tier 3 to enter)
Legend skill 42 Hand to hand combat +0.5% combat strength when defending the courtyard 10 8 80 +4% combat strength when defending the courtyard
Legend skill 43 Treasure hunter +20% chance of finding better equipment 3 5 15 +100% chance of finding better equipment
Legend skill 44 Tenacious +10% glory points earned when defending 6 5 30 +50% glory points earned when defending
Legend skill 45 Logistical genius +25% army return travel speed after attacking a NPC targets 4 10 40 +250% army return travel speed after attacking a NPC targets
Legend skill 46 Stalwart +1% unit limit on the castle wall 6 10 60 +10% unit limit on the castle wall
Tier 5 (Requires 90 points allocated from Tier 4 to enter)
Legend skill 47 Hoarder +500 secure storage capacity 3 5 15 +2500 secure storage capacity
Legend skill 48 Technical innovator +1 castle wall slots for tools on the flanks 60 1 60 +10 castle wall slots for tools on the flanks
Legend skill 49 True aim +2% combat strength for ranged units 15 4 60 +8% combat strength for ranged units
Legend skill 50 Unbeatable +6% combat strength when defending the courtyard 60 1 60 +6% combat strength when defending the courtyard
Legend skill 51 Bottomless depths +5% moat protection 5 6 30 +30% moat protection
Master Skill (Requires 90 points allocated from Tier 5 to acquire this skill)
Legend skill 52 Strong-willed +12% combat strength to all units in defense - - - +12% combat strength to all units in defense

Sovereign Skills - Buildings[]

  • In the Mandatory section, if yes, it means that it is required to proceed to the next tier. Else, it means it is not.
Image Tier level Skill Name Effects Cost Requirements Mandatory Total
Keep Level 6
Sceat skill 1 1 New heights Unlocks the keep level 6 40 Sceats Legendary level 30 Yes 1
Sceat skill 2 2 Master brewer Unlocks relic brewery 35 Sceats The keep level 6, Storehouse level 8, Apiary level 1, & Legendary level 45 Yes 1
Sceat skill 3 2 Beekeeper Unlocks relic apiary 35 Sceats The keep level 6, Storehouse level 8, & Legendary level 40 Yes 1
Sceat skill 4 2 Mead depot Unlocks storehouse level 8 35 Sceats The keep level 6 & Legendary level 35 Yes 1
Sceat skill 5 3 Mead hall Unlocks barracks level 14 and 15 45 Sceats Storehouse level 8, Apiary level 1, Brewery level 1 & Legendary level 50 Yes 1
Sceat skill 6 3 Sober up Unlocks military hospital level 11 40 Sceats Storehouse level 8, Apiary level 1, Brewery level 1 & Legendary level 55 No 1
Sceat skill 7 4 High ground Unlocks castle tower level 6 50 Sceats Barracks level 14 & Legendary level 60 Yes 1
Sceat skill 8 4 Sturdy barrier Unlocks castle gate level 6 50 Sceats Barracks level 14 & Legendary level 65 Yes 1
Sceat skill 9 4 Stone shell Unlocks castle wall level 6 50 Sceats Barracks level 14 & Legendary level 70 Yes 1
Sceat skill 10 4 Water obstacle Unlocks moat level 3 50 Sceats Barracks level 14 & Legendary level 75 No 1
Sceat skill 13 5 Bee preserve Unlocks relic honey gardens 60 Sceats Castle wall level 7, Castle gate level 7, Tower level 7, Apiary level 3 & Legendary level 80 No 1
Sceat skill 14 5 Barrel roll Unlocks relic barrel workshop 60 Sceats Castle wall level 7, Castle gate level 7, Tower level 7, Brewery level 3 & Legendary level 85 No 1
Sceat skill 15 5 Nordic spirit Unlocks relic mead distillery 60 Sceats Castle wall level 7, Castle gate level 7, Tower level 7 & Brewery level 3 & Legendary level 90 No 1
Image Tier level Skill Name Effects Cost Requirements Mandatory Total
Keep Level 7
Sceat skill 18 1 Onwards and upwards Unlocks the keep level 7 780 Sceats Barracks level 14 & Legendary level 350 Yes 1
Sceat skill 19 2 Refined way of life Unlocks refinery 560 Sceats The keep level 7 & Legendary level 360 Yes 1
Sceat skill 20 2 Market forces Unlocks marketplace level 9 515 Sceats The keep level 7 & Legendary level 370 Yes 1
Sceat skill 21 3 Tools of mass destruction Unlocks toolsmith 560 Sceats Refinery level 1, Marketplace level 9 & Legendary level 380 Yes 1
Sceat skill 22 3 Scourge of the battlefield Unlocks siege workshop level 4 560 Sceats Refinery level 1, Marketplace level 9, Toolsmith level 1 & Legendary level 390 Yes 1
Sceat skill 23 3 The last line of defense Unlocks defense workshop level 4 560 Sceats Refinery level 1, Marketplace level 9, Toolsmith level 1 & Legendary level 400 Yes 1
Sceat skill 24 4 The future now Unlocks research tower level 5 450 Sceats Toolsmith level 1, Siege workshop level 4, Defense workshop level 4 & Legendary level 410 No 1
Sceat skill 25 5 Onwards and outwards Unlocks additional expansion 670 Sceats (2010 in total) Toolsmith level 1, Siege workshop level 4, Defense workshop level 4 & Legendary level 420 No 3
Image Tier level Skill Name Effects Cost Requirements Mandatory Total
Keep Level 8
Sceat skill 47 1 Taking wing Unlocks The keep level 8 200 Imperial Ducats Legendary level 950 Yes 1
Sceat skill 48 1 Dragon's tribute Unlock Dragon's hoard 225 Imperial Ducats (675 in total) The Keep level 8 Yes 3
Sceat skill 49 1 Era of mind Unlocks Research tower level 6 250 Imperial Ducats Dragon's tribute skill level 3 & Research tower level 5 Yes 1
Sceat skill 50 2 Finer vintage Unlocks Tavern levels 8 to 10 225 Imperial Ducats Era of mind skills Yes 1
Sceat skill 51 2 Millstone Unlocks Flour mill level 7 to 8 300 Imperial Ducats Finer vintage skills No 1
Sceat skill 52 2 Hive haven Unlocks Relic honey gardens level 7 to 8 300 Imperial Ducats Finer vintage skills No 1
Sceat skill 53 2 Stave smithy Unlocks Relic barrel workshop level 7 to 8 300 Imperial Ducats Finer vintage skills No 1
Sceat skill 54 3 Refined way of life for all Unlocks Refinery for Everwinter Glacier, Burning Sands, and Fire Peaks 250 Imperial Ducats Finer vintage skills Yes 1
Sceat skill 55 3 Tools of mass destruction for all Unlocks Toolsmith for Everwinter Glacier, Burning Sands, and Fire Peaks 250 Imperial Ducats Finer vintage skills Yes 1
Sceat skill 56 3 Exalted commanders Unlocks encampment level 13 to 15 250 Imperial Ducats Finer vintage skills Yes 1
Sceat skill 57 4 Council orders Unlocks Imperial Council Hall 250 Imperial Ducats (750 in total) Refined way of life for all skills, Tools of mass destruction for all skills, and Exalted commanders skills No 3
Sceat skill 58 4 Safekeeping Unlocks Reinforced Vault 250 Imperial Ducats (750 in total) Finer vintage skills No 3
Sceat skill 59 5 Smoke house Unlocks Storehouse level 9 250 Imperial Ducats Era of mind skills Yes 1
Sceat skill 60 5 Alchemy Unlocks Refinery level 5 300 Imperial Ducats Smoke house skills Yes 1
Sceat skill 61 5 Fire and steel Unlocks Dragon Breath Forge 225 Imperial Ducats (675 in total) Alchemy skills level 1 No 3
Sceat skill 62 5 Moo manor Unlocks Relic cattle farm 250 Imperial Ducats (1250 in total) Storehouse level 9 Yes 5
Sceat skill 63 5 Era of might Unlocks Barracks level 16 to 20 250 Imperial Ducats (750 in total) Relic cattle farm level 1 Yes 3
Sceat skill 68 6 Dragon Bastion Unlocks Castle wall level 9 900 Imperial Ducats Castle wall level 8 & Era of Might level 1 Yes 1
Sceat skill 69 6 Dragon Maw Unlocks Castle gate level 9 900 Imperial Ducats Castle gate level 8 & Dragon Bastion level 1 No 1
Sceat skill 70 6 Dragon Roost Unlocks Tower level 9 900 Imperial Ducats Tower level 8 & Dragon Bastion level 1 No 1


  • Mandatory means units and tools that must be built or upgrade in order to unlock next tier. For example : Military hospital and castle moat, despite needs to be research, it doesn't need to upgrade, so these buildings isn't mandatory type.
  • For The keep level 8 tier, an example of Dragon's tribute skill, to level up dragon's tribute from level 1 to level 2, you must have Dragon hoard level 2, and to level up from level 2 to 3, you must have Dragon hoard level 4, and it is possible to unlock era of mind skill (Research tower level 6), without upgrading Dragon hoard from level 4 to level 5, since it requires Dragon's tribute skill level 3.

Sovereign Skills - Units[]

Image Tier level Skill Name Effects Cost Requirements Mandatory Total
Keep Level 6
Sceat skill 11 1 Shield-maiden training Increases Shield-maiden level by 1 permanently. 200 Sceats (Level 1), 150 Sceats (Levels 2- 10) (1550 in total) Barracks level 14, Legendary level 50 (Level 1), Legendary levels 55 - 95 (Levels 2 - 10) No 10
Sceat skill 12 1 Valkyrie ranger training Increases Valkyrie ranger's level by 1 permanently. 200 Sceats (Level 1), 150 Sceats (Levels 2- 10), (1550 in total) Barracks level 14, Legendary level 50 (Level 1), Legendary levels 55 - 95 (Levels 2 - 10) No 10
Sceat skill 16 1 Northern protector training Increases Protector of the north's level by 1 permanently. 200 Sceats (Level 1), 150 Sceats (Levels 2- 10), (1550 in total) Barracks level 14, Legendary level 50 (Level 1), Legendary levels 55 - 95 (Levels 2 - 10) No 10
Sceat skill 17 1 Valkyrie sniper training Increases Valkyrie sniper's level by 1 permanently. 200 Sceats (Level 1), 150 Sceats (Levels 2- 10), (1550 in total) Barracks level 14, Legendary level 50 (Level 1), Legendary levels 55 - 95 (Levels 2 - 10) No 10
Image Tier level Skill Name Effects Cost Requirements Mandatory Total
Keep Level 7
Sceat skill 26 1 Fortified ram Increases Fortified ram's level by 1 permanently. 60 Sceats (600 in total) Keep level 7, Siege workshop level 4 & Defense workshop level 4, Legendary levels 380 - 470 Yes 10
Sceat skill 27 1 Glory tower Increases Glory tower's level by 1 permanently. 60 Sceats (600 in total) Keep level 7, Siege workshop level 4 & Defense workshop level 4, Legendary levels 380 - 470 Yes 10
Sceat skill 28 1 Thunder crash bomb Increases Thunder crash bomb's level by 1 permanently. 60 Sceats (600 in total) Keep level 7, Siege workshop level 4 & Defense workshop level 4, Legendary levels 380 - 470 Yes 10
Sceat skill 29 1 Trebuchet Increases Trebuchet's level by 1 permanently. 60 Sceats (600 in total) Keep level 7, Siege workshop level 4 & Defense workshop level 4, Legendary levels 380 - 470 Yes 10
Sceat skill 30 2 Hookshot cannon Increases Hookshot cannon's level by 1 permanently. 65 Sceats (650 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 1 researched, Legendary levels 470 - 560 Yes 10
Sceat skill 31 2 Hwacha Increases Hwacha's level by 1 permanently. 65 Sceats (650 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 1 researched, Legendary levels 470 - 560 Yes 10
Sceat skill 32 2 Field cannon Increases Field cannon's level by 1 permanently. 65 Sceats (650 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 1 researched, Legendary levels 470 - 560 Yes 10
Sceat skill 33 2 Water mine Increases Water mine's level by 1 permanently. 65 Sceats (650 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 1 researched, Legendary levels 470 - 560 Yes 10
Sceat skill 34 3 Siege mortar Increases Siege mortar's level by 1 permanently. 70 Sceats (700 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 2 researched, Legendary levels 570 - 660 Yes 10
Sceat skill 35 3 Spike board Increases Spike board's level by 1 permanently. 70 Sceats (700 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 2 researched, Legendary levels 570 - 660 Yes 10
Sceat skill 36 4 Explosive arrows Increases Explosive arrows's level by 1 permanently. 70 Sceats (700 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 3 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 Yes 10
Sceat skill 37 4 Shrapnel bomb Increases Shrapnel bomb's level by 1 permanently. 70 Sceats (700 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 3 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 Yes 10
Sceat skill 38 4 Hand cannon Increases Hand cannon's level by 1 permanently. 80 Sceats (800 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 3 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 Yes 10
Sceat skill 39 4 Assault flame thrower Increases Assault flame thrower's level by 1 permanently. 80 Sceats (800 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 3 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 Yes 10
Sceat skill 40 4 Spear trap Increases Spear trap's level by 1 permanently. 80 Sceats (800 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 3 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 Yes 10
Sceat skill 41 4 Fire trap Increases Fire trap's level by 1 permanently. 80 Sceats (800 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 3 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 Yes 10
Sceat skill 43 5 War wagon Increases War wagon's level by 1 permanently. 380 Sceats (1140 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 4 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 640 No 3
Sceat skill 44 5 Organ cannon Increases Organ cannon's level by 1 permanently. 90 Sceats (900 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 4 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 No 10
Sceat skill 45 5 Wooden hoarding Increases Wooden hoarding level by 1 permanently. 90 Sceats (900 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 4 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 No 10
Sceat skill 46 5 Mobile cauldron Increases Mobile cauldron's level by 1 permanently. 90 Sceats (900 in total) All Level 1 researches at Tier 4 researched, Legendary levels 620 - 710 No 10
Image Tier level Skill Name Effects Cost Requirements Mandatory Total
Keep Level 8
Sceat skill 64 1 Crystalmark archery Increases Glasswing Archer's level by 1 permanently. 200 Imperial Ducats (2000 in total) Barracks level 16, Era of might level 1 & Legendary level 950 No 10
Sceat skill 65 1 Pyro rampage Increases Flamebreath Berserker level by 1 permanently. 200 Imperial Ducats (2000 in total) Barracks level 17, Era of might level 1 & Legendary level 950 No 10
Sceat skill 66 2 Wyrm warding Increases Scalebound Guardian's level by 1 permanently. 200 Imperial Ducats (2000 in total) Barracks level 19, Era of might level 2 & Legendary level 950 No 10
Sceat skill 67 2 Dragon's eye shooting Increases Scaleshard Marksman's level by 1 permanently. 200 Imperial Ducats (2000 in total) Barracks level 20, Era of might level 3 & Legendary level 950 No 10
  • Mandatory means units and tools that must be built or upgrade in order to unlock next tier.